ok es negribēju šo likt esošajā topikā,jo tas nebūtu par tēmu, tapēc nolēmu sākt jaunu.
- kaste rakstīja:
- es kkur izlasīju ka lai dabūtu nāvējošo devu jaizpīpē 60 g
citēju no M.booth grāmatas MARIJUANA:THE HISTORY:"For all this ,
cannabis is not toxic. No deaths have been recorded from overdosing.
Indeed, it has been sugestedthat it would take 800 joints to kill,
death coming from carbon monoxide rather than cannabinoid poisoning. by
comparison, 300 milliliters of vodka or 60 milligrams of nicotine would
be lethal."*
*- Booth Martin,
Marijuana the History, Transworld Publishers, London, 2004